Our Grandson Ben is 18 next week, my how time has flown by. Anyway I thought I should make a special card for him to keep. I had this old book which was going to the charity shop. First I tore out the pages and used the lovely hard cover as my starting point. I added thick card strips and some twine to make the cover more interesting.
The whole thing was then covered with glue and tissue paper and left to dry as in the picture above.
Then I painted the outside with dark blue paint and added some gold paint on top of that, then glued the button onto the centre, varnishing it all to make it durable. On the inside I covered this with some lovely card which has old maps printed on. As he is in the Army I thought this would be appropriate as he will be travelling all over after he has finished his training in the Royal Signals.
Inside I made the faux book pages box in which to put the message and on the left cover I made a little envelope to pop in some money. I had this tiny little key so attached it to a tag with a verse and this will go into the pocket also. The verse says : This little key opens our hearts that are bursting with love & pride for our grandson Ben on his 18th wishing you a wonderful day Happiness always.
Bye for now Hugs Vee xx